Once Upon a Time


Once upon a time in 1981, an Alabama girl named Melody BurroughsIMG_0063

met a soccer player from Sewanee  name Will.IMG_0087I know right? You can see what I saw in him.

I did my best to fit in with his family, even down to wearing flannel, which wasn’t my style. Richard was about 11 and Charles would have been 15 or so.116234-PH-012

He was super athletic, so my parents  bought me a bike so we could ride together? Still not sure about that one. But I’ve always loved this picture. 116234-PH-187

At some point in college he took me up to Lake Waramaug in Connecticut to his grandfather’s house. I think by this point I was in love. With those white Stan Smith’s. Just kidding. He forgot dress shoes and we were going to the club for dinner.


He proposed after SIX YEARS OF DATING, while we were on a camping trip. You know I don’t do the camping, right? He said he did it there because I wouldn’t be able to get on the phone and call all my friends. No cell phones in 1985. You can barely see the ring, but my middle daughter Caroline wears it now. We’ve been told she looks like me in this picture.

This is me the night Will and I got engaged. The first time Caroline saw it, she thought it was her!

This was at a shower in Spartanburg. I loved that dress and dare you to tell me it wasn’t gorgeous, shoulder pads and all. And I did have a big black bow on my ponytail.

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The wedding was beautiful. Springtime in Atlanta, azaleas in full bloom, not a cloud in sight. We had a brunch at the Depot on Emory’s campus that morning. I’d never heard of a “first look”, and anyway I was too traditional to risk bad luck in seeing him before the wedding. It was really beautiful. My going away outfit was “Cloak of Many Colors” and it was entirely linen. I’m sure my mother ironed it, because you know I don’t iron. The hat, the pantyhose, the kitten heeled shoes… It was 1986 and Princess Diana was our fashion phenom.


The first few years flew by. We both worked full time. Will started his MBA. It took me a long time to convince him to start a family. But once that first little angel arrived, I knew he felt right at home. Please look at his face as he is staring into Anna’s little newborn face.  The Stan Smith’s have seen some wear.


This is one of favorite family pictures from Caroline’s baptism. Anna had realized that the party was not about her and she was pouting. Big time. I love this picture.


At Frances’s baptism, I had grown my hair out. I remember borrowing this dress because I didn’t have anything I could fit into. But I made her gown and she looked perfect in it.


Our life with three little girls was crazy and fun and stressful and busy and wonderful. Will loves Halloween and pumpkin carving.


Those littles that fought constantly have grown into three beautiful women who love each other so much. When they were young I used to say that any two of them got along. But add in the third and something was always going to happen. Still true! IMG_0221

I graduated from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in 2012. Our family was there to celebrate and it was a milestone. I’m thankful to Will for putting up with me during grad school. I was old and it was hard and I didn’t cook much and I was out of town every other weekend.DSC_0030   DSC_0005

Anna graduated from pharmacy school in 2014. It was a happy day.IMG_0489

Caroline fell in love with Matthew (and we all fell in love with baby Rosie)DSC_0148

Anna fell hard for Brad1974229_10202327889387237_6987275250022957319_o

Frances graduated from Anderson in December and got a gorgeous  handmade guitar for graduation.DSC_0008

I fell in love with Fidelis, who we’ve adopted as a son. Not really since he’s a grown up, but he is like a son to us. He loves Rosie too.


Caroline married in December of 2013


Anna married in June 2014


My man continues to love all things hunting and fishing. Look how cute he is all dressed up with his turkey last year.


We occasionally clean up for something special.


30 years ago today, I said “I do.” And I still do today. Happy 30th anniversary Will!  I can’t imagine doing life with anybody but you. And the flowers are beautiful!


Here’s Clint Black singing our song.

These times are troubled and these times are good
And they’re always gonna be, they rise and they fall
We take ’em all the way that we should
Together you and me forsaking them all
Deep in the night and by the light of day
It always looks the same, true love always does
And here by your side, or a million miles away
Nothin’s ever gonna change the way that I feel,
The way it is, is the way that it was
When I said I do, I meant that I will ’til the end of all time
Be faithful and true, devoted to you
That’s what I had in mind when I said I do



  1. Cricket Terrell on April 19, 2016 at 9:20 pm

    Wonderful! Happy Anniversary!

    • melodyreid on April 19, 2016 at 9:56 pm

      Thank you Cricket!

  2. Adrienne on April 20, 2016 at 1:43 am

    Loved this trip down memory lane! Thanks for the tour and Happy Anniveraary, Melody!

  3. Paula on April 20, 2016 at 2:49 am

    Loved seeing your story! Congratulations on 30 years!

  4. Michele on April 20, 2016 at 12:31 pm

    FUN! Thank you for sharing in such a fun and beautiful way! You are brave and creative – keep going! We would make great neighbors (if it weren’t for the distance)!

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