The Circle of Life… or we begin another chapter

Two years ago when I wrote about the regrets I felt as a mom for all the things we missed or didn’t know about our oldest daughter Anna’s Chiari I Malformation experience (you can read about that here,, that literally two years later we’d be waiting on our first grandbaby. And unless she decides to make her debut prior to Thursday, she’ll arrive via a scheduled C-section Thursday, August 15, 2019. Oh and Anna is the momma.

Yesterday Will and I saw the new Lion King movie, which I wasn’t sure I was going to like or not. I’d heard people loved it or hated it. I LOVED IT. First of all, I’ve been to Africa three times in the last few years so even computer-generated, Africa felt so familiar. Then there’s the whole circle of life piece. My mom had a little girl in 1961, I had a little girl in 1989 and then two more in 1991 and 1993, and now my first girl is about to have her first little girl in 2019. That’s a circle of life for sure. I know I’m a little emotional about this baby coming because I cried twice in the Lion King yesterday.

I am walking into one of the most joyous seasons of my life, one I’ve looked forward to for many years. My mother was/is an amazing Nana, and I want to be such an influencer in this baby’s life. And in the lives of any other little blessings that might come our way in the years to come. We are just delighted to meet this little girl and can’t wait to get to know her. Pictures are her mom and dad’s to post, but hopefully, I’ll get to share a couple at some point. We covet your prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy baby.



PS You may have noticed that my website got a much-needed refresh. I’m super excited about that and hope to write more frequently in this space. One can always hope, right?


  1. Molly Yarger on August 12, 2019 at 4:53 pm

    Melody it’s the greatest day to become a grandmother – nothing compares and to see your child become a parent also amazing!!! I’ll be praying for a safe journey for this special little girl and for Anna – love to all

    • melodyreid on August 12, 2019 at 5:48 pm

      I can hardly wait Molly!

  2. Manon on August 12, 2019 at 9:21 pm

    Melody, I am thrilled beyond words for you! I have 2 precious granddaughters, Caroline 2 1/2 and Campbell 3 months and they are the light of my life! We are expecting grand baby #3 in Feb via our third son and his fiancée! Blessing for you, your daughter and her baby!

    • melodyreid on August 12, 2019 at 10:06 pm

      Thank you Manon! We are over the moon excited. Your grands are so precious!

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