Above All Ministries Talk

I had the privilege of speaking at Above All Ministries last week, November 6th, and wanted to share it with you. We talked about hiding and deception, and how and why we do it even today. http://aboveallministries.blogspot.com/ Read more […]

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My New Place

As part of the work that I’m doing around the Enneagram, I’m learning about the concept of “place”- what it is, what it isn’t, and perhaps for the first time even being aware of having a place at all. My oldest daughter Anna had our first grandbaby on August 15th. I’ve written more than once about Anna’s medical issues, surgeries and prognosis, so words can’t even express how delighted we all were Read more […]

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The Circle of Life… or we begin another chapter

Two years ago when I wrote about the regrets I felt as a mom for all the things we missed or didn’t know about our oldest daughter Anna’s Chiari I Malformation experience (you can read about that here, https://melodyreid.com/2017/10/03/we-dont-get-any-do-overs), that literally two years later we’d be waiting on our first grandbaby. And unless she decides to make her debut prior to Thursday, she’ll Read more […]

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We Don’t Get Any Do-Overs

Our Anna was diagnosed in 2001 at the age of 12 with scoliosis. She had a last minute sports physical because her coach called and said he was taking a bunch of the girls to a nearby clinic that could get them all done that afternoon. That doctor didn’t clear her because he said she had exercise-induced asthma and scoliosis. Still not sure how we’d missed that, but we went back to her pediatrician Read more […]

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This Time It’s Different

Our 28-year-old daughter Anna is having brain/spinal cord surgery on Tuesday of this week. It is the fourth surgery over the last ten years. (Anna is the one on my left in this picture.) Ten years ago when Anna had her first surgery at Childresn’s Hospital in  Atlanta, she was 17 and I was  45. I was completely in charge of her medical care. I was the advocate  who kept saying to doctors, “Something is Read more […]

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The Top 10 Things I Love About the Masters

By now you know that my favorite golfer, Jordan Spieth, didn’t win yesterday. The green jacket went to Sergio Garcia of Spain. It was fun to watch Sergio win. Afer 74 attempts, he won his first major golf tournament, and it’s always inspiring to see someone win something as big as the Masters. He appeared to be over the moon excited and thankful. In 2015, when Jordan won, I wrote him a nice, motherly Read more […]

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He’s already before me

I’ve been going through Emily P. Freeman’s create + complete course over the last four weeks, and in today’s Quiet Collection thought, she writes “Your anchor is Christ – with you and within you. He has already been before you and he would not have you go where he is not.” That last sentence jumped off the page at me and I had to keep reading it over and over again. He has already been before Read more […]

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Here’s What I’m Reading

One of the things I have been trying to do more of is read for pleasure. For me, that includes two kinds of books, fiction, and non-fiction. I don’t like a ton of fiction. A book has to grab me from the very beginning in order for me to want to finish it. I’ve also gotten over finishing bad books. If I don’t like it, I just stop and move on to something else. I love memoirs. They’re probably my favorite Read more […]

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Hey October!

  I honestly cannot believe it is October already, but the chill in the morning air leads me to believe that Fall is actually going to come to the south after one of the hottest, driest summers I can remember. I tease with my family by saying that I’m literally in a bad mood all summer long. I despise hot weather. I love Fall, Spring, and even Winter, but since Summer in the south lasts Read more […]

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Problems Solved

I’ve solved a couple of world problems this week and I want to let you in on them so that you, unlike me, don’t waste a lot of your time endlessly researching the internet trying to find solutions to your vexing problems. You will thank me, I promise. First off, we discovered on Wednesday that someone who will not be named had left the upstairs freezer accidentally not all the way shut. We use Read more […]

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