What I’m Reading

I am a voracious reader. I love nothing better than getting into a really good book. I read both fiction and non-fiction, often at the same time. It’s not unusual for me to have two or three books going at the same time. It’s also not unusual for me to get distracted and not finish everything I start. I have some perfectionist tendencies (no comments from the Reid girl peanut gallery please), and it is hard for me to sit down and allow myself to read when I have other, more pressing  things that need to be done. Like laundry or dishes. Or errands or organizing. It’s a problem.

That said, I am always reading and my “to read” piles are huge. Here’s what’s currently being read, in no particular order.

A good friend suggested The Critical Journey, which deals with the stages of one’s life of faith. It’s an old one, but it has really put words to some things I have felt, which is always helpful to me. Sort of that feeling of “oh, other people feel these feelings too?” Comforting and challenging.


Recently I completed Lacy Clark Ellman’s online course entitled Meaningful Mornings. As a recovering Baptist who thought that quiet times were mandatory at 5:00 am and had to look like reading a devotional book and journaling and praying for two hours, Meaningful Mornings was life-giving. After I finished, I bought Lacy’s book Pilgrim Principles and am enjoying slowing going through it at a leisurely pace.


On the fiction front, I have loved The Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean M. Auel. I don’t even know how to explain to you what this book is about, but I’ll try. It’s a seven book series that deals with the life of a group of people who lived roughly 35,000 years ago. Neanderthals,  Cro-Magnons, I know it doesn’t sound good. But it is literally fascinating to read Auel’s fictionalized but well-researched account of our ancestors as they discover things we take for granted.


Another friend told me that Life’s Golden Ticket  by Brendon Burchard has impacted her more than any book besides the Bible. I’m about half way through it and will let you know. I’m hoping it does not disappoint. This is not typically “my type of book”, but I trust her enough to read it.


And this came today. My girl Glennon Doyle Melton’s new book Love Warrior. I love her honestly, I love her insecurity, I love her heart for helping other. This one’s billed as a memoir that deals with her recent marital troubles and how she and her husband Craig found redemption and hope in the difficult times. A few weeks ago, prior to this book’s release, Glennon revealed that she and Craig were separating. Instead of waiting until after the book release to share this news, Glennon shared an honest, vulnerable post about why it was important to her to be truthful about the reality that was her life. I love a truth teller! Can’t wait to start this one tonight.


Oh and here’s my current “to read” drawer. Yes, it’s a drawer, not a pile. It’s a problem.


So that’s it for me. Would love to hear from you about what you’re reading and why. Feel free to comment with book suggestions or thoughts. I love hearing from you!



  1. Mary on September 7, 2016 at 6:27 pm

    I’m on my third reading of Visions from Heaven by Wendy Alec since June. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s really ministering to me every time. I’ve never read any book, but the Bible, this many times. It’s her journey through an excruciating illness, but it’s an account of her experiences with the Father that is so healing. It also is a challenge to the Bride of Christ in many ways (in this sense, I think you’d like it, Melody, because you’d love the Lord’s merciful, kind perspective). It is about visions, so many people wouldn’t be into that, but those who would give it a chance would probably find it to be very grounded and biblical.

    I’ve also recently read Wonder to my kids- a book about a boy with a facial anomaly going to school for the first time.

    The Hiding Place.
    Daring Greatly.
    Little Women.
    All kinds of time to read these days. It helps distract me and keep my heart focused on the true, noble, and lovely aspects of life. ????

    • melodyreid on September 7, 2016 at 7:10 pm

      Thanks for sharing Mary! I will have to get Visions from Heaven. It sounds delightful!

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