...thinking out loud.

Melody B. Reid

Hello, I'm Melody!

Thank you for visiting. I’m grateful to share this space with you. Come in, take a look around, and say hello! If you like my blog, I’d really appreciate it if you’d subscribe via email, then my posts will magically appear in your inbox. Thanks!

What I’m Reading

September 6, 2016 |

I am a voracious reader. I love nothing better than getting into a really good book. I read both fiction and non-fiction, often at the same time. It’s not unusual…

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Real Life

August 31, 2016 |

Dear Friends and Family, Everything is perfect here at our house. Our marriage is perfect, our children and their spouses are without flaw. Our pets are the cutest and smartest.…

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Whole Lot of Changes Going On

July 12, 2016 |

So much has happened around the Reid house in recent months. This time next week Will and I will be en route to Johannesburg, South Africa, where we will then…

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May 20, 2016 |

It’s graduation season, which got me thinking about teenagers and living with them and how often I hear parents talk about how hard this season of life can be. It’s…

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Not Much Has Changed

May 3, 2016 |

A year ago today, I wrote about my messy relationship with church here:  https://melodyreid.com/2015/05/02/i-have-a-messy-r…ship-with-church/ ‎ Today, when my TimeHop app reminded me about the post, I re-read it and realized…

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RIP Prince

April 22, 2016 |

  The first time I remember feeling it was when Princess Diana died in August of 1997. Obviously, I did not know her, but I felt a grief when she…

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Once Upon a Time

April 19, 2016 |

Once upon a time in 1981, an Alabama girl named Melody Burroughs met a soccer player from Sewanee  name Will.I know right? You can see what I saw in him.…

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Bless Your Heart Jordan Spieth…

April 11, 2016 |

  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this one says it all. Although Jordan led for most of the tournament, he ultimately wasn’t able to pull…

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Do As I Say Not As I Do

April 8, 2016 |

I am a licensed mental health professional. Who happens to have depression and anxiety and takes an SSRI medication every day. Until I don’t. A couple of weeks ago I…

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I’m a Lent Failure. Or Am I?

March 16, 2016 |

In my faith tradition, growing up, we did not practice Lent. I had never heard of the Liturgical Calendar until I became a United Methodist as a young adult. Even…

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