...thinking out loud.

Melody B. Reid

Hello, I'm Melody!

Thank you for visiting. I’m grateful to share this space with you. Come in, take a look around, and say hello! If you like my blog, I’d really appreciate it if you’d subscribe via email, then my posts will magically appear in your inbox. Thanks!

I Believe This is Going to be Our Finest Hour

March 10, 2016 |

I’m excited to share a sermon with you today by my dear friend Jay Madden. I’ve known Jay for 17 years and he has been an integral part of my…

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My Writing Questions

January 18, 2016 |

  At the beginning of December, I had a 30 minute FaceTime call with my friend Micah Murray, who I have written about before. Micah runs the Clumsy Bloggers workshop…

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Remember Thanksgiving?

November 7, 2015 |

I heard someone say this morning that there are 47 days until Christmas. How can that even be possible? Maybe it’s me, but I just don’t want to get caught…

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Haircut or Highschool?

November 4, 2015 |

Many of you may remember that I went to northern Malawi with Will this past summer to serve the community of Chitipa. Partnering with Peachtree Presbyterian Church in  Atlanta, GA,…

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31 Days Is Over

October 31, 2015 |

Dear Friends, Remember back on October 5th when I told you I’d taken up the 31 Day Writing Challenge- write and post on my blog every day for the month…

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The History of Laundry- Reid Style

October 27, 2015 |

Disclaimer: This post is going to be about laundry. If I lose you here, I understand. But for those of you who, like me, have been doing laundry for over…

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Open Letter to Dr. Laura

October 24, 2015 |

Yesterday as I was running some errands, my SiriusXM radio was on the doctor channel and the Dr. Laura show was on. I’ll be honest, I haven’t listened to her…

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I took a sick day

October 22, 2015 |

I took a sick day yesterday and I’m taking one today too. The sad part of it is I’m kind of happy about it. I’m not happy that I’m sick…

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The Prayer of Saint Patrick

October 21, 2015 |

I arise todayThrough the strength of heaven;Light of the sun,Splendor of fire,Speed of lightning,Swiftness of the wind,Depth of the sea,Stability of the earth,Firmness of the rock. I arise todayThrough God’s…

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I Am A Writer

October 20, 2015 |

I have had many roles over the past 50+ years. Daughter, girlfriend, wife, mother, friend, volunteer, Bible study teacher, speaker, retreat planner, graduate student, and licensed counselor. In the last…

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