...thinking out loud.

Melody B. Reid

Hello, I'm Melody!

Thank you for visiting. I’m grateful to share this space with you. Come in, take a look around, and say hello! If you like my blog, I’d really appreciate it if you’d subscribe via email, then my posts will magically appear in your inbox. Thanks!

Gone Fishing

March 19, 2015 |

I don’t know about you, but it is really hard for me to take a day off. Even when I am not technically working, I am always pressuring myself to…

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Best Friday in a While

March 8, 2015 |

This past Friday, March 6, 2015, was a day I’d really been looking forward to.  I had a ticket to hear one of my faith heroes, Nadia Bolz-Weber, speak at…

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The Evolution of Christmas

December 2, 2014 |

Christmas at the Reid house has changed over the years.  Anna was born in 1989, quickly followed by Caroline in 1991 and Frances in 1993, (Yes, your math is correct.…

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Organizing my online life

October 24, 2014 |

My friend Sally loves that I’ve described myself as a “voracious reader.”  For some reason, the word voracious tickles her. I’ve always been a reader of books and in recent…

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Visiting is not for cowards

October 13, 2014 |

I went to church yesterday. I know, no big deal, right?  It’s the south, we go to church.  It’s what we do.  But this week Will and I visited a…

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October 10, 2014 |

Several weeks ago I learned about a website called shereadstruth. I probably won’t do it justice here, so please check it out for yourself, but it is an online Bible study for…

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You just get used to it

October 4, 2014 |

Five years ago, when I decided to go back to graduate school and get a masters in counseling, some things changed around our house.  I had two girls still in…

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Some friends go all the way back

September 30, 2014 |

I’ve been friends with Jeanine for 25 years.  We’ve raised 5 kids between us, sewed endless smocked dresses, John-John’s, curtains and dust ruffles.  She is largely responsible for any expensive…

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finding my writing voice

September 30, 2014 |

I’ve always loved writing.  Putting pen to paper, or finger to keyboard, has almost always been the only way I can process.  I can get all my thoughts out before…

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